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Dr Mark Symonds 

BChiroSc, MChiro, Cert NET, C.C.W.P, ACNEM


Dr Mark has been practising as a Chiropractor & Kinesiologist for over 20 years. Over this time he has completed advanced studies in Chiropractic treatment, NET/Kinesiology, accreditation with the Australian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, Wellness Science, and Coaching.

Dr Mark now lives in beautiful Tasmania and has worked closely with one of Hobart’s leading integrative GP’s Dr Sally Chapman in her practice at Health Change Integrative Medicine. In 2020 Dr Mark expanded and opened his own centre in Lindisfarne, Hobart.

He loves researching, writing, teaching and travelling​. His vision is to help others be their best self everyday. He has delivered wellness programs for companies such as NAB, Ferrier Hodgson, The Works Advertising, and Norton Rose.

He has worked with people of all ages, and a large variety of health issues but takes particular interest in helping people become more resilient to the common ailments of modern life such as:

Musculo-skeletal pain and Chronic Pain
Emotional stress / sabotage
Low mood / anxiety
Weight loss
Adrenal / Thyroid / Reproductive Function
Hormonal and Neurotransmitter imbalances and
Digestive Health

Mark hopes to empower people to enjoy better health and happiness using techniques at the cutting edge of natural integrated healthcare.

Outside of the clinic Mark loves the ocean and the mountains and enjoys pretty much most sports you can do in the water or on the snow. In the past he has represented Australia in windsurfing and achieved 9th Overall in the 2001 world championships - he received a full blue from Macquarie University for his achievements.

Find out more at

Jo Claxton

Dip. Reflexology Dip. Counselling

Jo joined the team of MindFitBody in February 2024, and many of you would have met her working as our Chiropractic Assistant at the front desk. 

She made the big move from Western Australia in December 2023 and now she is settled into life in Hobart, it is time for her to recommence a passion of hers. 

Jo is also our in house Reflexologist. Jo completed her Diploma of Reflexology in Perth in 2013 and ran her own business for many years. For more information please see our Reflexology page.Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Be Your Best Self.


Our vision is that we help our clients on their journey of becoming better. This constant state of acknowledgment and improvement is at the very heart of creating a fulfilling life.

Whether that is being pain free, energised or just more present we can help. In a modern world we need integrative natural healthcare solutions.

We also regularly provide corporate health consulting to help individuals and their companies perform better everyday.